Rolling Hills Chem was founded with the idea of providing safe chemicals to safely clean up oil spills while restoring the earth, water, & air to pre-spill condition. Since then, there have been many products formulated as needs have developed.

Chemical Cleanup Providing Biodegradable & Eco Friendly Methods

Rolling Hills Chem, LLC

We are
Rolling Hills Chem, LLC

“Preserving the earth, waters, and air for future generations.”

Rolling Hills Chem, LLC is a leading Oil & Gas company in the US. We specialize in projects in the oil & gas sector, Bioremediation, Oil Spill Cleanup and Recovery, Production, etc.


We specialize in solving the following problem areas:

Corrosion Icon


Corrosion inhibitor chemicals that significantly reduce the corrosion of metals when applied properly into the fluids.

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Scale deposits are very common and the most troublesome damage in the oil fields. We have the solution to get rid of all scale deposits.

Paraffin Icon


Flow assurance problems are generally associated with naturally occurring paraffins in crude oils. Our products use advanced technology to prevent flow assurance problems.

H2S Icon


H2S is a naturally occurring gas created by bacteria. Our chemicals can eliminate the bacteria and remove the H2S from the product.

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Gas Hydrates

Our inhibitors prevent the formation of hydrates by shifting the hydrate stability curve to lower temperatures for a given pressure.

Biofouling Icon


Our solutions effectively manage biofouling on industrial infrastructures, including marine ships.

Why Rolling Hills Chem, LLC?

Our product line is engineered for clients like yourself who want to increase their profitability and standards while establishing their reputation as Environmental stewardship. Rolling Hills Chem products are field-tested and proven within many successful Refinery operations conducted worldwide.

Rolling Hills Chem has engineered a way to reduce costs so that the Oil & Gas industry now has an option to use a suite of ecologically responsible and impactful chemicals to address these epic extraction opportunities.

Some Of Our Clients